Friday, October 10, 2008


Happy Fall! Happy Pumkin time!!! I LOVE the fall, October is one of my FAVORITE months! It is the month I got married, and I just celebrated my five year anniversary with my husband. It's also my Husbands birthday month-he will be 28 tomorrow! It is also the time of year that I take my kids to the local farms, the pumkin patch, and most of all.....the time of year that we GO CRAZY at my house making cool fall crafts, yummy fall treats and of course....Pumkin Chocolate Chip muffins! YUM!!

Our first Fall trip of 2008 was yesterday-We went to a local Pumkin Patch. It was so much fun!! We saw all kind of animals, went on a hayride, and got to pick out a mini pumkin to bring home. We went with a group from our church and the girls had a GREAT time....and so did I!

Mommy and Sophie on the hayride...this is pretty much what Sophie did the whole day....well, she occasionally got down....when I made her! :)
Ruthie Playing in the Hay!!

Sophie trting to climb IN with the pigs!! One thing my children do NOT have is FEAR!
Ruthie and Sophie coming out of the "tunnel" slide!

Waiting to go in the Corn maze...The little kids were FAR more interested in stomping on ants!

Ruthie and her Good Buddy, Kyle, finding their way through the Corn maze....and Sophie tagging along, too!

The Whole Gang...except Sophie, who was clinging to Mommy!

More Fall pictures and stories to come!! This is my FAVORITE time of year!!

1 comment:

  1. See... Sophie would not have been as bored had she had Grant with her! Sarah.. He loves Sophie.. I have their picture on MySpace and he's constantly saying "Sophie!"
