Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Day

I can't believe that only three short days after my post, "Spring in the Air" I am now posting a blog entitled, "Snow Day."
As alot of you know, we no longer have a TV at our house. Well, we do have a TV, but with no cable or sattelite service, it's not really functional. So, we don't really keep up with the news. Which is wonderful in some aspects, I've never been a fan of watching the news. And in other ways it's not really great-like a couple weeks ago when we headed out to church saying, "it looks kind of stormy out" and by the time we got to Jodeco road, there was hail falling and tornado sirens going off.
So, you think I would have learned my lesson, but Saturday when someone mentioned the "coming snow" I thought they were crazy!! Hadn't I just had my first day of spring play with my girls?? Well, believe it or not, it DID snow. As as the morning service was over on Sunday, we walked out of the sanctuary to see beautiful, white, fluffy snow falling!! It was very exciting!
That afternoon we took the girls out to play. Here are a few pictures from our snow day.

Sophie was not a friend to the cold. SHe kept trying to cover up her face!

Sophie gave up quickly and went inside to get warm.
She would come to the glass door and stare at us like we were crazy for being outside!

Danny and Ruthie braved the cold for a loooong time, and even built a snowman together!


  1. How FUN!!!! We didn't make a snowman.. it was just too cold and windy. But we had fun and got some quick pics!!! I miss you terribly. See if you had called me last week and we went to Noah's Ark together it wouldn't have snowed... LOL But you do know it's going to be 70 on Saturday!!!

  2. I'm glad you got snow too! It was beautiful and so much fun but I am soooo ready for spring to come and stay for good now! Looks like we will get some spring weather this weekend though! Hope you're doing well!
